Volleyball Training

Side out scoring – Volleyball Gear Guide

Sideout scoring, Explained - Volleyball Gear Guide

The game of volleyball is all about who scores the most points. There are many different aspects to scoring, but it starts when one team serves and their opponent receives- which means that if they get a point or not on what we call “side out.” Now there’s an interesting change in meaning for this term too!

A sideout before had been used by players as simply referring to when only one side could score; now however, to avoid confusion with its traditional usage (only teams were able serve), rules officials have renamed them rallies instead – so don’t be surprised if you hear someone refer to a sideout or rally for this very reason.

How Can A Sideout Be Won in Volleyball?

  1. When the team who served remains in control of the rally and gets a point on their opponent’s side
  2. If their opponents get a point in return.

So basically how it works is that the first team to score wins the rally.  Then they serve, and this process continues until one of the teams reaches 21 points.

Volleyball is a game of strategy and timing. Scoring can seem daunting at first, but there are only six basic rules that you need to know! A side out refers to when the serving team gets one point on their scorecard; however this meaning has changed over time because now sides circulate among players instead- they become opportunities for scoring or passing before reaching 10 points (like in “Rally”).

The system behind volleys was altered after volleyball became professionalized: previously called “pens” these days we call them rallies which means both teams get another chance during each match When playing doubles most people play with two sets so try not let your partner down!

Side-out scoring explained

A rally consists of a series of playing acts that determine each point from the time the ball is served until the ball goes out of bounds. The serving team scores a point when the opposing team fails to execute any of the following actions:

  • serve properly so that it goes into play from the correct service zone
  • return the ball before it bounces twice in their court, or they fail to return the ball over the net
  • let the ball bounce once in their court before they return it
  • touch the ball with anything other than the net provided for them to hit the ball
  • take more than three steps when they hit the ball
  • touch or cross over into their own court before they return the ball
  • let the ball pass outside their court, including letting it bounce out

Rally Scoring

When a team…

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