Para Volleyball

Call for Volunteers – Judicial Commission > World ParaVolleyWorld ParaVolley

WPV announces official invitation list for 2022 Sitting Volleyball World Championships > World ParaVolleyWorld ParaVolley

The Judicial Commission of World ParaVolley deals with any cases of disputes between individuals or organizations and is completely independent of the Board. The Commission membership is approved by the General Assembly every 2 years – next in December 2022.

The Judicial Commission has the important task of providing “natural justice” to individuals or organizations who have been the subject of any complaints or disputes. It provides a final level of appeal.

Members of the Commission are assigned to certain disputes on the basis of their knowledge, experience and independence. The workload is very light as fortunately, World ParaVolley rarely has disputes to deal with.

The Commission is seeking new members – with a focus on females – if you are interested to assist, please contact the Team Leader, Richard Callicott:

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