International Volleyball

Awards Season Approaching: Nominations Now Open – | Club Volleyball | High School Volleyball

Awards Season Approaching: Nominations Now Open – | Club Volleyball | High School Volleyball

We are happy to announce that, in December, will release its National Players of the Year for each of the four graduating classes as well as our Frosh, Soph, and Junior ‘Fall Stars,’ our newly renovated version of the Frosh 59, Soph 79, and Top 50 Juniors, and the Andi Collins Award. Senior Aces will be released at the conclusion of the 2023 18’s Club campaign, so there will be no nomination process at this time. However, we will be releasing our High School All-Americans, and afterward, we’ll be announcing our next round of National Player Rankings. ONLY coaches or club directors may nominate players for these awards by completing the forms at the following links, which include consideration for National Player of the Year. The links should now be working properly and ready for submissions!

Frosh Fall Stars

Soph Fall Stars

Junior Fall Stars

High School AllAmericans

Note the distinction between the Fall Stars lists and the High School All-Americans. The former deals exclusively with high school varsity performance within one’s state, regardless of school size and strength of schedule. The latter revolves very much around individual performance at the national level, considering cross-state play, tournament wins, quality of opponents, and strength of schedule. High school varsity performance WILL impact the National Player Rankings, a combination of national success at both the high school and club level, as well as recruiting prowess. 

We look forward to receiving your nominations, but please remember that ONLY COACHES AND CLUB DIRECTORS may fill out the forms. All nominations should be submitted by the deadline of November 28. If you are a coach that is not currently subscribed to our website or contact list, you can sign up right here. If you are already on our contact list, but are not receiving our emails, be sure to add us to your contact list, and check your spam folder for anything you might have missed.

For those interested in nominating someone for National Coach Of The Year, please email Sam Haimann ( with information about the coach, their program, a short narrative of why the candidate should be considered, and any supporting team records, milestones, and testimonies they deem essential. 

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