International Volleyball

From the JVA Office: 3 Ways to Use Your Voice to Guide the JVA

From the JVA Office: 3 Ways to Use Your Voice to Guide the JVA

The JVA serves many purposes for the junior volleyball community, uniting club directors, coaches and educators to improve the junior volleyball experience, and striving to accomplish our vision to be the premier organization for the junior volleyball community. As the ONLY national association that is 100% focused on junior volleyball and the needs of junior clubs, the JVA is comprised of the leaders and forward thinkers in junior volleyball. Our members have a valuable voice in the direction of our association, as we set initiatives that will directly impact our members’ programs and events.

As we turn a new chapter on the 2022-2023 season, here are 3 ways our members can use your voice to guide the JVA forward. 

1. Review and Vote on the Amended Bylaws

There are a few amendments to the Bylaws which members will have the ability to vote to approve at the JVA Annual Gathering on December 14th. The amendments are as follows:

  1. Update membership classifications by replacing Association Club Director with Organizational Memberships. An Organizational Member is a member of a club that has enrolled multiple individuals under one Club Director. Those members have all the benefits of a JVA member but are non-voting members. Removal of a Life Member.
  2. Members of the Board must have a clean background screen in compliance with the JVA Safety Program.
  3. The Board shall consist of 6 elected members and 3 appointed members, one of which is the President Elect. A President Elect will be voted on by the current board at the end of the current President’s 2nd year. The President will serve an additional 2 year term as Past President following their term as President.

View the version of the Bylaws with the mark-up showing all of the edits here.

2. Attend the Club Management Track

Competition makes us better, but collaboration is the glue to success. JVA Club Directors and Coaches compete against one another across the net all season long, but behind the scenes they are working collectively to progress our sport in a positive direction. The JVA offers many opportunities for mentorship, collaboration and guidance, however, one of the most impactful in person opportunities is the JVA Club Management Track.

The JVA Club Management Track will take place on Wednesday, December 14th from 1:00-7:00pm during the AVCA Convention in Omaha, Nebraska. Join other Club Directors and Club Administrators to network, listen, connect and learn. Kick off the week with a day of education and…

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