Para Volleyball

Mover & Shaker | Joe Campbell (USA) Mover & Shaker

Mover & Shaker | Joe Campbell (USA) Mover & Shaker

Joe Campbell has played volleyball for 12 years, coached for 16 years and has refereed for over 35 years. He was the first referee in the USA and Pan America zone to become involved with sitting volleyball (1989) and is one of only two referees in World ParaVolley to be selected to referee in six Paralympic Games.

From the first time he stepped on the volleyball referee stand in 1979, Joe has loved the game. And that is from a football and baseball fan growing up never having followed volleyball until Japanese strangers asked him to try the sport in 1979 while in the U.S. Air Force serving in Japan.

More will follow about where Joe’s passion for sitting volleyball came from, but he started as an international referee from 1992 to 2014 and served as the referee commissioner from 1994 to 2012 – responsible for the recruitment, training and official assignments in the Pan American zone.  Joe has stepped up each time because he wanted to make a difference in the sport and continues to drive the development of the sport on all levels. Joe became the Pan America zone president in 2012 and has worked for World ParaVolley at a number of international competitions to date in the role of either Referee Delegate, Jury, Assistant Technical Delegate and Technical Delegate.

1 – How did you get involved in Sitting Volleyball?

In 1989 I was living in Las Vegas, Nevada USA.  The International Sports of Disabled (ISOD) brought the sitting and standing World Championships to the USA for the first time ever.  I was a very active and high profiled volleyball official in the Las Vegas area, and I was asked to referee these games.  At the conclusion of the games, I was asked by Dr. Radu Rosenthal (VRC Chair) if I would like to continue to work more competitions.  I quickly agreed as I thought these athletes were awesome.

2 – What is it that motivates you each day to further develop our sport?

The joy in watching athletes compete, and to see their growth in the sport.  I’ve been blessed to be involved with sitting volleyball for 35 years now, and I’ve watched all the teams in the Pan America zone grow from grassroots, to be in the top 5 in the world… amazing!  I get so much joy and satisfaction in watching all teams compete in this wonderful sport.

3 – What has been your biggest achievement in Sitting Volleyball to date?

I would have to say that my biggest achievement has been being the president of the Pan America Zone.  When I accepted this…

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