International Volleyball 2021 High School All-Americans – | Club Volleyball | High School Volleyball High School All-Americans: Special Mentions – | Club Volleyball | High School Volleyball

It is time to reveal the High School All-Americans. Although we are excited and proud to recognize 120 deserving players as Fall All-Americans, there are always too many talented athletes and simply not enough spots for all of them. We’ve done our best to scour all those teams that participated in the Fall and consider coaches’ input regarding qualifications. But, in truth, we know not everyone will be happy with the list. However, let us remind our readers and followers that the ability to have a season at all during a pandemic is a gift in itself, specifically in such challenging times. Please do your best to understand and appreciate that, and withhold your frustrations and complaints in light of it. We, too, are going through new challenges and transitions, and regardless we’ve put all of our efforts into celebrating and recognizing those athletes that found success. 

We’ll remind those players not selected of the best advice I have had the honor of hearing from a good friend of mine, who now coaches at the Division I level. Awards, Rankings, and Lists hold no bearing or reflection of your self-worth as a person or athlete, and you should continue to follow your passion for the game of volleyball for the simple joy it brings you. 

That being said, it is time to unveil the All-Americans. You can also check out the Honorable Mentions portion of the list and the Special Mentions. The Special Mentions section is compiled of athletes who made significant impacts on their teams’ success but may not have had the exposure or statistics to draw national attention to the point of earning a place in the top 120, or Honorable Mentions. The Honorable Mentions section is compiled of athletes who were on the cusp and in contention for the top 120 but were just outside of our selection. You will find them below. On Monday, we will release the 120 High School Fall All-Americans. 

*Note: Even after sorting through hundreds and hundreds of players, there are bound to be discrepancies (heights, class years, spelling) that I have not caught. If you see one, email, and we will graciously fix them.*

Without further ado, we are proud to bring to you the 120 High School Fall All-Americans broken into three forty-player teams.

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