Para Volleyball

President’s Message – YEAR IN REVIEW 2024 President’s Message

President’s Message - YEAR IN REVIEW 2024 President’s Message

Dear World ParaVolley Community,

When the World ParaVolley Community gathers online for the General Assembly we will review the work of 2022-2023.  Before that, I would like to take this opportunity to send best wishes to all for this Holiday Season and to offer a summary of the year 2024 in review. 

A year ago, our previous President, Mr. Barry Couzner OAM (AUS), announced his early retirement from World ParaVolley. It was my honor to work alongside Barry since 2022 on the Board as Sport Director then Vice President, and for nearly 30 years before that in the world of volleyball and beach volleyball. Stepping into the role of President and accepting the responsibility meant taking a look back first and understanding how we got here before deciding how to move forward. 

Barry and the Board gathered one last time together  in December 2023. It was important to note that for nearly 20 years prior the work of World ParaVolley had largely been done by a small group of volunteer leaders, many who were retired or coming to the end of their service to the community.  Succession planning was a major need identifed to ensure more people with interest and expertise were given opportunities to serve and help lead World ParaVolley into the future. It is a great sign that so many are interested to serve and part of the challenge moving forward is providing the information, resources, and expertise to support the next 20 years with new leaders joining the effort alongside those whose work in the past has helped us reach this point. 

The goal of my short Presidency to this moment has been to “listen and learn” while identifying any areas of concern to ensure a smooth transition for the future. When you come inside with a specific agenda or platform this only serves one’s own purpose.  It is also ineffective to criticize without bringjng viable solutions forward for discussion and consideration. And when leading an international organization it is essential to balance the needs of ALL countries and consider carefully what will benefit the largest percentage of the membership. My wish is to let the members speak and help shape the goals for the future. Then I see my task is to find the ways to help support WPV as an organization and the people serving in leadership so these goals can be achieved. 

The following are highlights of 2024:

  • Direct meetings and discussions were held with WPV commission leaders, starting with the Athletes Commission to…

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