International Volleyball

5 Ways to Help Volleyball Athletes Prepare for Practice and Competition With Mental Performance Strategies

5 Ways to Help Volleyball Athletes Prepare for Practice and Competition With Mental Performance Strategies

Athletes feel pressure from many different areas and often create high expectations based on those pressures that ultimately affect their confidence.  In working with a mental performance coach, athletes learn how to mentally prepare for practice and competition and focus on areas and perspectives that make them feel successful. The goal is to improve performance by learning how to have proactive confidence and trust in their skills.

Benefits of Mental Performance Coaching:

  • Athletes learn how to understand their emotions, thoughts, and how they impact their actions. Being able to learn coping skills to manage expectations, pressure, and build confidence is essential for success.
  • Athletes understand how their mind influences performance and how to apply mental strategies to help perform their best in competition.
  • Learning mental skills will also help athletes feel confident in other areas of their life. It is important to remember that as coaches and parents, we are not only building better athletes, but better human beings.
  • Athletes are encouraged to transfer skills learned in Mental Performance Coaching sessions to the classroom, relationships, and other areas of their life where the skills are applicable. Building a well-rounded athlete outside of the practice and competition arena will help with many different aspects of development.
  • Mental Performance Coaching can also be helpful for teams to increase dynamic and communication.
Here are 5 Ways to Help Your Volleyball Athletes Prepare for Practice and Competition With Mental Performance Strategies
  1. Address pre-game jitters. Every athlete is nervous before a game and every athlete gets to decide how you interpret the pre-game jitters. You can decide to actively embrace those feelings as excitement rather than nervousness and use them to help you perform at your highest level. Use this handout with your team at your next team meeting.
  2. Help athletes find the best strategies to cope with mistakes. Every athlete is going to make a mistake during their games. Knowing how to let go of those mistakes is what matters most.
  3. Create a positive self-talk mantra. Have each athlete create a phrase or cue word that helps them feel confident in their skills.
  4. Identify their 3 biggest strengths. Competitions are your chance to show off your strengths and hard work. For each game, have your athletes pick their biggest strengths. Help remind them to keep these in the forefront of their mind as they move through the game.
  5. Build a…

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