Para Volleyball

Allison Lang boosts body positivity in sports Allison Lang boosts body positivity in sports

Allison Lang boosts body positivity in sports Allison Lang boosts body positivity in sports

Canada’s Allison Lang exudes confidence and talent on the sitting volleyball court. She has won silver medals in the last three World ParaVolley and zone events, and currently showcased her skills at the 2024 WPV Women’s Super 6 in Nancy, France. Beyond these achievements and other athletic pursuits, she is also a passionate advocate for body positivity.

Competing at the Women’s Super 6, Lang and her teammates faced some of the best squads in the world. Reflecting on the experience, she emphasised the learning opportunities the competition provided.

“We are working on many new things leading up to the Paralympics, focusing on the process and implementing new strategies we’ve been developing since the World Cup,” she shared. The chance to reconnect and compete against top international teams has been invaluable for her and the team as they strive to enhance their skills and speed on the court.

Lang’s goals extend far beyond personal and team achievements, carrying with her a determination to elevate the profile of sitting volleyball, especially in her own country. “Our biggest goal is growing not only our team but our programme and hopefully club tournaments across the nation,” Lang stated.

Her vision includes raising awareness around Para sports, showcasing the unique aspects of sitting volleyball, and inspiring young athletes to take up the sport.

Born with one leg, Lang’s passage to self-acceptance has been marked by challenges, including severe bullying during her childhood. Despite these hardships, she found strength and empowerment through sports.

Joining the sitting volleyball team at 16 was an eye-opening experience, helping her embrace her body and disability. Now, Lang passionately advocates for body positivity, aiming to be a role model for others facing similar struggles.

“I grew up hiding my disability,” Lang recalled. “But through affirmations, gratitude, and the support of my teammates, I learned to love my body.”

Her mantra is evidently clear that everyone, regardless of their physical condition, deserves to celebrate their bodies and find joy in movement.

The Canadian athlete’s advocacy extends to encouraging individuals with disabilities to explore various sports. She highlights the importance of representation, noting the lack of disabled athletes in media and the inadequate coverage of the Paralympics. “I hope to become a role model for someone looking to find Para sport and try something new,”…

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