Para Volleyball

Jusufovic’s double-decade dedication to sitting volleyball Jusufovic’s double-decade dedication to sitting volleyball

Jusufovic’s double-decade dedication to sitting volleyball Jusufovic’s double-decade dedication to sitting volleyball

Ermin Jusufovic’s remarkable 20-year career in sitting volleyball is a shining example of relentless dedication and enthusiasm. Since first donning the jersey for Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2001, Jusufovic has devoted himself to the sport with plenty of determination, driven by a deep passion and overflowing support of his family and friends.

“Honestly, when I started representing Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2001, I never dreamed it would last for over 20 years. My biggest motivation has always been my love for the game. I still enjoy being on the sitting volleyball court just as much as I did 20 years ago. How could it not be? When I am on the court, I am certainly showing the best version of myself. I must also mention the support of my family and friends, which has been invaluable throughout my career. I always strive to make them proud,” Jusufovic explained.

Jusufovic’s introduction to international competition was nothing short of a dream come true at the 2001 European Championships in Hungary.

“That first competition was a dream come true. Just a year before, I used to watch the games of (Sabahudin) Delalić and (Asim) Medić. In 2001, I became their teammate, and together we became European champions. I’ll never forget my parents’ tears when I returned home and my first appearance on Televizija Tuzlanskog kantona (RTV TK),” he recalled.

As a team captain for more than 15 years, Jusufovic has learned the nuances of leadership. “I believe that empathy towards teammates and their problems, both on and off the court, is a key trait for successful leadership. A captain should be a friend, but also someone who knows the boundary between the interests of the team and the individual. Being able and willing to compromise is also very important,” the Bosnian athlete stressed.

Among the myriad of international competitions he has competed in and conquered, there are many victories he remembers, but only one victory stood out for him.

“That’s a tough one. There have been many victories, but the biggest one is definitely our first victory against Iran at the World Championship in Egypt in 2002. We knocked them out in the semifinals, which paved the way for our first world championship title win. It was Iran’s first loss in over 15 years,” he said.

His numerous awards and accolades reflect his dedication to the sport, but one holds special significance him.

“The most significant of all my individual awards is the MVP recognition of…

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