NCAA Womens Volleyball

NPI through 9/22/24 | DIII Women’s Volleyball

Burns promoted from assistant to head coach at Rockford

An NPI update is in order now that teams are reaching the minimum 10-win threshold. If you have a vested interest in a particular squad, do not be too worried or confident in the micro aspects of current NPI numbers. Because of the fluid nature of NPI, we are still in a time of keeping general perspective on what is past and future. Oh, and be where your feet are at the same time.

Most QWB matches as of today (these are fluid too):
7 Juniata, Wisconsin-Oshkosh
5 Johns Hopkins, MIT
4 Emory, Millikin, Wisconsin-Whitewater

Below is the NPI top 20 followed by all Region VIII/IX teams above 49, which is roughly the current cutoff for the upper half of the division. NPI figures, through matches of Sept. 22, are courtesy of NED3vballfan (VolleyTalk handle).

Team NPI
1. Juniata 68.45627
2. MIT 65.73722
3. Wisconsin-Oshkosh 64.65364
4. Johns Hopkins 62.72352
5. Wisconsin-Whitewater 62.50097
6. Millikin 62.42178
7. Marietta 62.28708
8. Hope 62.25072
9. Gettysburg 61.55316
10. Case Western Reserve 61.24310
11. Emory 61.10794
12. Hanover 60.79943
13. Washington and Lee 60.71083
14. Colby 60.67364
15. Washington-St. Louis 60.61488
16. Franklin & Marshall 60.36521
17. Chicago 59.62769
18. William Smith 59.43337
19. East Texas Baptist 59.29087
20. Southwestern 59.28430
26. North Park 58.70890
36. Wisconsin-Platteville 57.34060
41. Northwestern 57.03952
42. Wisconsin-Eau Claire 57.02522
45. Nebraska Wesleyan 56.69536
46. St. Olaf 56.56623
54. Gustavus Adolphus 55.97579
59. North Central (Ill.) 55.73221
62. Transylvania 55.32129
63. Carroll 55.31158
66. Grinnell 54.94660
69. Wisconsin-Stevens Point 54.90035
70. Wheaton (Ill.) 54.85249
74. Dubuque 54.71693
75. Coe 54.69029
77. Illinois Wesleyan 54.53588
87. Carthage 54.16492
91. St. Catherine 53.92648
92. Anderson 53.83716
100. Wartburg 53.34061
104. Bluffton 52.85070
112. Manchester 52.40909
113. Wisconsin-Stout 52.33107
115. Carleton 52.28912
122. Loras 52.05527
126. Wisconsin-River Falls 51.83681
130. Lyon 51.55025
139. Bethel 51.30458
152. Greenville 50.76005
168. Elmhurst 50.2954
170. Aurora 50.15896
171. Wisconsin Lutheran 50.11767
178. Edgewood 49.88116
183. St. Norbert 49.82426
184. Simpson 49.81024
186. Illinois College 49.79545
187. Berea 49.73431
188. Cornell 49.6731
192. Augustana 49.60811
193. Monmouth 49.47373
194. Macalester 49.45927
195. Bethany Lutheran 49.45447
199. Concordia Wisconsin 49.39921
200. Mount St. Joseph 49.24713

-Ricky Nelson

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