International Volleyball

Olympic lifting for volleyball players

Olympic lifting for volleyball players

Volleyball is one of the most popular sports worldwide, and it continues to grow. If you want to become a high-level athlete in the sport and reach the highest possible level, you need to stand out from all the other players who are simply “good.” Of course, making it big takes more than just playing the game well and learning the essential skills in practice. As with any other sport, excellence requires a ton of video watching, loads of volleyball-specific drill practice, proper nutrition and rest, and an excellent gym workout regime. 

In a top-level fitness program for a volleyball player, it’s very likely for you to find Olympic weightlifting exercises, as they’re often used as a way to build speed, strength, explosiveness, and power. But the articles you see online don’t really tell you what the best exercises are and what exactly they will help you do. And we’re here to fix that. 

In this article, we’re going to talk about the best Olympic lifts for volleyball players, how they can help you improve as a player, and why they’re a must-do for any wanna-be professional athlete. 

Let’s kick things off. 

Why Olympic-style Weightlifting is a Must for Volleyball Players? 

When we talk about strength training, people usually imagine a person on the squat stand lifting or squatting a heavy weight. But that’s just one part of the story. By definition, Olympic weightlifting is a sport that incorporates the use of two independent lifts so that a person can lift a loaded barbell from the floor to an overhead position. 

That’s why the typical Olympic moves people know are the snatch and the clean & jerk. However, even though it’s completely different from volleyball, Olympic weightlifting’s structure and foundation are vital for power development and training explosiveness. 

Thanks to the exercises that it incorporates, it can be vital for helping an athlete develop speed, strength, fluidity, and quickness – all of which are crucial for a world-class volleyball player. 

The Three Best Olympic Lifts for Volleyball Players 

It’s true that any kind of Olympic weightlifting training will make you stronger and more explosive. Still, there’s a way to make your effort truly worth your while by incorporating lifts that will specifically benefit volleyball players. In the list below, we’ve narrowed down the three best exercises that you should absolutely put in your strength training program if you inspire to get to the…

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