Para Volleyball

Sarajevo ready to welcome the 32 teams for World Championships > World ParaVolleyWorld ParaVolley

Sarajevo ready to welcome the 32 teams for World Championships > World ParaVolleyWorld ParaVolley

The Federation of Sitting Volleyball of Bosnia and Herzegovina conducted a press conference for the official launch of the World ParaVolley Sitting Volleyball World Championships from November 4 to 11 at the state-of-the-art Hills Hotel Arena in Sarajevo.

A total of 32 teams – 16 men and 16 women – from the five zones will compete in Bosnian capital for the world titles.

Top officials of the organizing committee and ParaVolley officials were present at the press conference.

“This is the biggest event in the world of sitting volleyball. It is twice as big as the Olympic Games and it is a very important international event for us. It is also significant that we are here because your team is one of the best in history. You have won 10 European Championships, three World Championships and two gold medals in the Olympic Games. It’s an incredible record and you should be very proud of your team. I think the conditions here are excellent, I have inspected the hotel and the hall and I am sure that everyone will enjoy it. This event will also have an impact on the city and I believe we will generate a lot of interest. We believe that change starts with sports and that is why it is important to provide an opportunity for people with disabilities to participate in sports. And sitting volleyball provides that opportunity,” said World ParaVolley President Barry Couzner OAM.

“It is a great opportunity for us to host the best sitting volleyball teams from all over the world. It is a big sport event in Sarajevo and the people from the sitting volleyball family of Bosnia and Herzegovina have shown that they are top-notch organisers after organising the Golden and Silver Leagues. The Government of Sarajevo Canton and the Ministry of Culture and Sports support this undertaking and we believe that the Federation of Sitting Volleyball will succeed in its mission. They have a team that always brought us a lot of joy and great awards. I am convinced that all the national teams that will compete in November will enjoy Sarajevo and will take with them good memories of the city of Sarajevo and the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” said Minister of Culture and Sports of Sarajevo Canton and Organizing Committee President Samir Avdic.

“Our sport is developing incredibly fast. We are glad that Bosnia and Herzegovina decided to form a top-level organisation because this event means a lot to everyone. We know you have a great men’s team, but we also like the fact…

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