NCAA Womens Volleyball

Team IMPACT Fellows: Raising Awareness & Increasing Participation

Team IMPACT Fellows: Raising Awareness & Increasing Participation

Why did you apply to be a Team IMPACT Fellow?
“I applied to be a Team Impact Fellow, because our teammate, Cal Taylor, changed my life. Cal was matched with us by Team IMPACT two years ago. In that time, Cal and I have grown very close. Seeing that big smile on his face no matter what he was going through was astonishing. I knew I wanted to take on a bigger role in the organization, so I applied to be a fellow as a result.”

What are you looking to accomplish in your role?
“In my role as a fellow, I hope to make the experience for all matches on the UMD campus to have the best experience possible. I also want to work to bring the fellow matches closer together, because each of the kids will know what the other is going through.”

What do you hope to gain from this experience?
“I hope to learn more about how I can make this experience for those kids that much better. The world is constantly changing and we must adapt. Each of these matches have been to hell and back, so I hope to work with and learn from the kids.”

How will you be able to leave an impact?
“I plan to leave an impact by showing those kids going through it, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep fighting for what you believe is right!”

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